Nature is several steps ahead of us. That’s why we take great care to maintain your natural teeth for as long as possible. We consider an implant or prosthetic solution only when all other conservative therapheutic options have been exhausted and/or cost-effectiveness requires it.
The relationship between patient and dentist is based on trust and honesty. At Züri Zahni, we make sure to inform patients completely and transparently about treatment possibilities, procedure and cost. Only by this can you make the right decision for your dental health.
We believe firmly in the importance of listening actively and taking the time to fully understand the concerns of our patients. This, along with the quality of our work, is the key to succesful treatment. We encourage you warmly to voice your concerns and questions about your dental hygiene, so that we can work towards the same goal.
Unfortunately, our permanent teeth don’t regrow. They’re precious and we have to take great care of them. That’s why we place great importance on prevention. Daily dental care, regular professional teeth cleaning and check-ups not only prevent tooth disease but also ensure the succes of dental treatments. Should treatment be necessary, we apply only minimally invasive techniques in order to protect and preserve tooth substance.
The foundation of our work lays in a profound education and high quality standards. Curiosity, interest and an open mind help us to keep learning and improving ourselves every day. That’s why our team does professional training regularly, which also enables us to provide you with the newest technology and techniques.
We believe that in this society of highly specialized professionals, no single practitioner can master every cutting edge technology. So we concentrate on our strenghts exclusively. In fields that are out of our range as general dentists, we receive competent support from our close network of specialist dentists.
Züri Zahni has two taxpoint values:
1.15 for orthodontic treatments
1.25 all other treatment methods
For more information on the current dental rate, click here.
Dental health requires preventative care. Regular check-ups and professional teeth cleaning are imperative for long-lasting and caries-free teeth. We help you find the best daily dental care and provide you with advice on a low-sugar and low-acid diet.
Nitrous oxide, also known as «laughing gas», is a safe medicinal sedative. It’s soothing, relaxing and helps minimize anxiety during treatment. Additionally, it reduces the gagging reflex. When administered nitrous oxide, patients lose their sense of time so they perceive the treatment as shorter and the procedure in general as more pleasant. It’s ideal for uncooperative toddlers or anxious patients.
Some patients cannot be treated while awake, be it because of age, anxiety or a medical condition. For these patients, we provide outpatient general anesthesia with the support of an experienced external anesthesiology-team, consisting of an anesthesiologist and a nurse.
We perform general anesthesia only on children and adolescents.
A beautiful smile and white teeth are considered more and more important in our society. Our services include bleaching as well as ceramic reconstruction for the treatment of defects in color, shape or position.
The surgical microscope allows us to do high precision work even on the smallest scale. It increases the quality of our work and is especially valuable when it comes to periodontal therapy, cariology and minimally invasive oral surgery.
Present day dentistry counts on the laser as its allrounder: In oral surgery, the laser ensures a precise treatment and pain-free recovery with few complications. The regeneration of tissue is sped up and helped by laser-biostimulation.
Healthy baby teeth are essential for long-lasting dental health. Our little patients’ well-being is especially close to our hearts. After all, the first visit to a dentist is a defining experience and we want to make it a good one. We provide a calm and trusting athmosphere for your childrens’ visit. There are ceiling-mounted tv-screens so our little patients can watch a movie for the duration of the procedure. And at the end of the treatment, their brave cooperation is rewarded with a little present.
When bacteria enters the pulp tissue of a tooth it can cause infection. We can save the tooth with the help of modern root canal shaping technique, efficient mouthrinse solutions and the obturation of the root canal under the microscope.
Gum disease (gingivitis or paradontitis) is caused by a buildup of bactieria and infection of the small pockets that separate the gums from the teeth. This can damage the bone and cause the teeth to become loose and sensitive. We can stop the progression of gum disease through periodontal therapy.
A fractured or cracked tooth can be restored to its former shape, color and function with the use of partial or full ceramic crowns. A gap caused by the loss of a tooth can be filled with a bridge or implant.
Chewing and eating hard foods can become very difficult once one has lost several teeth. With custom-made partial or full dentures, we can help you enjoy eating once more.
There are times when it is necessary to remove a tooth – if it can’t be saved otherwise or, in the case of wisdom teeth, if they get infected or can’t be cleaned. Our routine services also include the removal of the labial or tongue frenulum.
The aim of orthodontic treatment is to remove the misaligned teeth and/or jaw and to restore the function and aesthetics of the dentition.
Gesunde Milchzähne sind ein wichtiger Grundstein für gesunde bleibende Zähne. Das Wohl unserer kleinsten Patienten liegt uns ganz besonders am Herzen, denn der erste Besuch beim Zahnarzt ist ein sehr prägender und soll unbedingt in guter Erinnerung bleiben. Wir kümmern uns liebevoll in einer ruhigen und vertrauensvollen Atmosphäre um die Anliegen Ihrer Kinder. Während der Behandlung dürfen die Kinder über den Bildschirm an der Decke einen Film schauen und am Ende der Behandlung wird ihre tapfere Mitarbeit mit einem kleinen Geschenk belohnt.