With us, your child is in good hands


With us, your child is in good hands



The first contact with the children's dentist is groundbreaking for the future. We know exactly what it takes for children to feel completely comfortable with us and not to develop a fear of the dentist.


Thanks to our many years of experience in pediatric dentistry, we are able to master even complex cases – always with the child's well-being in focus and with the latest technology for support.


With us, your children get headphones and can watch their favorite TV series on the screen, that helps incredibly – you'll see! After the treatment, the brave receive a small gift.



Initial examinations

In order for us to be able to build a solid and long-term relationship between the child and the practitioner, the first meeting is set to get to know each other and to do all the necessary examinations.

Nitrous oxide treatment

If things get a little more difficult, we are professionals in carrying out nitrous oxide treatments. This allows anxious children to be treated well and safely.

Kinderzahnarzt spricht mit Kind

General anaesthesia

In the case of complex cases or major interventions, we can also carry out general anesthesia directly on site. That requires routine, experience and a well-established team.


We recommend starting early with a check-up at the pediatric dentist. Why? So that, for
example, decays or problems with misaligned teeth can be recognized early and possible
solutions can be worked out. We work extremely transparently and you will always receive a
cost estimate, which we will discuss together so that you know exactly what to expect.

1. Contact us

Simply fill out an online form, send us an email or call us on the phone.

2. Initial meeting / preparation of documents

At the first meeting we build the important relationship between the child and the practitioner. This is how we lay the foundation for future anxiety-free dentist visits. We do a check-up, prepare the necessary documents, go through the treatment plan together and answer your questions. Now the treatment can be started.


Meltem Ferro
Meltem Ferro
I had been looking for a good paediatric dentist for a long time because I wanted to avoid trauma from the dentist. Yesterday I was with my 3-year-old daughter at Mrs. Pejicic's and we were totally happy! They have an extra waiting room for children, the children can also choose a movie to watch in the room, the doctor explains all the steps and at the end you get a gift.
Ajna saliasi
Ajna saliasi
I informed Dr. medical dent. Joos in advance about my daughter's (11) dental phobia and she was so lovingly welcomed. She paid so much time to my daughter and encouraged her so much. The tooth decay could be treated and my daughter felt very comfortable and overcame her fear.
Calagan Özlem55
Calagan Özlem55
The clinic is bright, welcoming, clean, furnished with the latest technology and very child- friendly! My 4-year-old son had to let go of his tooth. The preparation was very carefully planned and the extraction of the tooth was quick. In addition, the next day they sent SMS asking whether everything was okay.
Marco Cernuto
Marco Cernuto
I recommend this dental practice to everyone. The whole team is very friendly and likeable. Also very suitable for children as there is a play waiting room and children are allowed to watch cartoons on the ceiling while being treated. Thank you again and certainly see you next time.
Jessica Menzel
Jessica Menzel
My children have been checked by Mrs. Zimmermann before and are always happy to see her. The clinic looks great, is modern and easily accessible. The team is friendly, attentive and courteous. I cannot recommend this clinic enough. I will definitely come back and recommend it to my friends.
Eveline Lattmann
Eveline Lattmann
Ingenious dental clinic! Would highly recommend! They take their time and do their job superbly. We also had the best experiences with the children! Finally found a dentist we can trust and stay with.
Björn Hering
Björn Hering
Great team, lovable, competent staff, also specialized in working with children. My daughter still talks about the impressive visit and shows her tooth gem all the time. 🙂 Clinic of great design, with the latest equipment. I went shopping at Migros on the ground floor! Easy with public transport!
Nadine T
Nadine T
Very nice, modern practice with a very likeable team. My son with Dr. Cano after only 1 minute forgot that he was actually afraid of the dentist. Dr. Cano took a lot of time and explained everything very nicely. We will come back and highly recommend this practice!
Linda Hering
Linda Hering
Our four-year-old son had to have his tooth fixed and, with the best will in the world, we didn't expect him to be willing to lie down in the chair the next day. Andrea Zimmermann did a great job! Humorous, competent and precise. The whole family trusts her now and is extremely satisfied.
Monika Maksimovic
Monika Maksimovic
We always feel very warmly welcomed by Ms. Zimmermann and her team. My son likes the dentist very much and took yesterday's visit as a positive experience despite the "Löchli flicke". Thank you very much & stay the way you are.
Ilire Dakaj
Ilire Dakaj
Best dentist I've ever seen. Everything's perfect. My son was treated so lovingly that he was not afraid of the dentist. I have never seen the way anything like Mrs. Zimmermann treating the little patients at the dentist. You have my loyalty! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



My name is Andrea Zimmermann, I am co-founder and co-owner of the dental practice Züri Zahni. I am responsible for the field of pediatric dentistry and, together with my team, I am well prepared for a large number of treatment options. Treatment of children is our heart’s concern! Over the past 10 years, we have performed countless treatments and mastered our craft. But it is just as important to take the little ones by the hand and give them a sense of security so that they feel comfortable at the pediatric

Contact us for a consultation, we will be happy to answer your questions and explain what Züri Zahni offers.

Questions & answers

We recommend an initial visit to the dentist at the age of two. This way, our little patients and their parents can get to know pediatric dentistry in a calm and child-friendly environment. And at the age of two, baby teeth have normally emerged fully.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions about your child’s diet and daily oral hygiene at home – we’re glad to advise you even as soon as the first baby tooth has erupted.

  • Try and make the day of the first visit as relaxed and strain-free as possible.
  • Make sure that your child is well-rested. Don’t promise a treat for going to the dentist – you don’t want your child to think it has to fear the visit in the first place.
  • If you’ve had bad experiences at the dentist’s, try to keep those bad feelings to yourself. Your child should be able to go to the dentist with as little bias as possible.
  • Avoid phrases like «it won’t hurt» or «you don’t need to be afraid». They might seem calming, but usually cause the opposite.
  • Just explain to your child, what happens at a visit to a dental office.

Pediatric dentists work quite differently than dentists for adults, especially on a psychological level. It’s important to take plenty of time for children, to explain procedures in a child-friendly language and prepare them playfully for the upcoming treatment.

The early childhood years are formative for a stress- and anxiety-free relationship to the pediatric dentist. When a child knows there is nothing to fear, they’ll go to their next visit gladly.

Pediatric dentists advise regular tooth brushing after the first baby tooth has emerged.

You should brush your child’s teeth once a day in the first year, twice a day in the second year and three times a day from their third year on. It’s important that you assist your child in teeth-brushing. Children don’t have the fine-motor skills to ensure a thorough oral hygiene.

Additionally, use a small size toothbrush and a age-appropriate toothpaste with reduced fluoride-concentration (500ppm). Children under six don’t always manage spitting out toothpaste after brushing their teeth and tend to swallow it instead. Your pediatric dentist can instruct your child on the right way to hold and use a toothbrush.

Maintaining healthy primary teeth until they fall out naturally is very important for the development of the permanent set of teeth. A premature loss of primary teeth can lead to substantial loss of space in the permanent set of teeth. This can lead to orthodontic treatment being the only way to repair the damage.

Your pediatric dentist helps your child develop and keep up good oral hygiene. They can spot caries early and treat it in a gentle and child-friendly way.

Your pediatric dentist usually repairs carious primary teeth with tooth-colored synthetic material. There is little difference between the treatment of primary and permanent teeth.

If a baby tooth in a crucial position has decayed substantially because of caries, your pediatric dentist may decide that a silver-colored steel crown is the best treatment. The decayed tooth can be stabilized that way.

The baby tooth and its crown will fall our normally when the new, permanent tooth comes in.

Pulling a tooth can be the only treatment if a baby tooth has decayed beyond hope, if the bone beneath has become inflamed or if the tooth has broken along its length. But neighbouring teeth could tilt towards the resulting gap and that loss of space can often be irretrievable.

That’s why your pediatric dentist will usually have a space maintainer custom-made by a dental technician to keep the neighbouring teeth from encroaching on the gap.

If a young child shows little cooperation but a treatment is necessary nontheless, your pediatric dentist may decide that sedation by nitrous oxide («laughing gas») is appropriate.

Nitrous oxide or «laughing gas» is a colorless medicinal gas with a slightly sweet smell. The child will breathe a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a nasal mask during the dental treatment. This requires unobstructed nasal breathing.

Nitrous oxide is soothing, relaxing and helps minimize anxiety during treatment. Additionally, it reduces the gagging reflex and can cause a slight tingling sensation in the lower extremities as well as sensation of heaviness.

A quiet atmosphere is important during treatment, since nitrous oxide heightens the sense of hearing. When administered nitrous oxide, patients lose their sense of time so they perceive the treatment as shorter and the procedure in general as more pleasant. Often, children will recollect little of the treatment afterwards.

Unlike general anesthesia, sedation by nitrous oxide has the patient responsive and awake during the procedure. Vital reflexes like breathing, swallowing and gagging keep working normally under this sedation.

Our bodies don’t deposit or process nitrous oxide, we simply exhale the gas. After the procedure, pure oxygen is administered for a while and in a few minutes, patients return to a normal state. There is practically no chance of incidents or complications if nitrous oxide is handled correctly and responsibly.

Nitrous oxide is considered as a safe sedative. Known side effects are nausea or vomiting, which seldom occur. If your child is hypersensitive to nitrous oxide or has experienced a detrimental reaction to it, please inform your pediatric dentist.

General anesthesia may be necessary with children and adolescents who can’t be treated while awake because of their young age, anxiety or a pre-existing condition.

For these patients, we provide outpatient general anesthesia with the support of an experienced external anesthesiology-team, consisting of an anesthesiologist and a nurse.


Bitte füllen Sie vor Ihrer ersten Konsultation den Gesundheitsfragebogen und Einverständniserklärung Anamnesebogen für Kieferorthopädie aus und nehmen beides zum vereinbarten Termin mit. Vielen Dank.

Handelt es sich um einen Notfall, rufen Sie uns bitte direkt an: Tel. 044 317 10 10

Tax point values Züri Zahni

Züri Zahni has two taxpoint values:

1.15 for orthodontic treatments
1.25 all other treatment methods

For more information on the current dental rate, click here.

Our Policy


The relationship between patient and dentist is based on trust and honesty. At Züri Zahni, we make sure to inform patients completely and transparently about treatment possibilities, procedure and cost. Only by this can you make the right decision for your dental health.

Active listening and individual treatment plan

We believe firmly in the importance of listening actively and taking the time to fully understand the concerns of our patients. This, along with the quality of our work, is the key to succesful treatment. We encourage you warmly to voice your concerns and questions about your dental hygiene, so that we can work towards the same goal.

Prevention is better than cure

Unfortunately, our permanent teeth don’t regrow. They’re precious and we have to take great care of them. That’s why we place great importance on prevention. Daily dental care, regular professional teeth cleaning and check-ups not only prevent tooth disease but also ensure the succes of dental treatments. Should treatment be necessary, we apply only minimally invasive techniques in order to protect and preserve tooth substance.


The foundation of our work lays in a profound education and high quality standards. Curiosity, interest and an open mind help us to keep learning and improving ourselves every day. That’s why our team does professional training regularly, which also enables us to provide you with the newest technology and techniques.

Interdisciplinary network

We believe that in this society of highly specialized professionals, no single practitioner can master every cutting edge technology. So we concentrate on our strenghts exclusively. In fields that are out of our range as general dentists, we receive competent support from our close network of specialist dentists.