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Züri Zahni Odontología para Niños + Adultos


En Züri Zahni, ofrecemos odontología competente y de alta calidad tanto para niños como para adultos. Nuestro equipo de expertos está familiarizado con los métodos más modernos de la odontología digital y tradicional. Adaptamos nuestro enfoque a sus necesidades, teniendo siempre en cuenta el éxito a largo plazo de su tratamiento.

Pero, sobre todo, nos preocupa facilitar su visita al dentista para que sea lo más cómoda, agradable y libre de estrés posible. Cada paciente es igual de importante para nosotros, ya sea pequeño o grande.


3 características importantes:


Somos un equipo sólido, estable y valoramos la relación personal con nuestros pacientes. La comunicación se lleva a cabo a nivel igualitario, lo que genera confianza y transparencia.

Digitalización total

Contamos con una infraestructura de última tecnología, moderna y digitalizada. Nuestro equipo se forma continuamente científica y tecnológicamente para brindarle un servicio de excelencia y obtener resultados satisfactorios.


¿Tratamiento odontológico para toda la familia en un solo consultorio? ¡No hay problema! Nuestra oferta incluye desde la odontología infantil y adulta, la ortodoncia, los tratamientos conservadores hasta la cirugía dental y la colocación de implantes. Sea cual sea su inquietud, póngase en contacto con nosotros.


Higiene dental

Odontología conservadora


Sedación con óxido nitroso

Anestesia general


Tratamiento de conducto

Tratamiento de encías

Odontología reconstructiva digital

Prótesis dental

Muelas del juicio

Microscopio operatorio

Terapia con láser

Ortodoncia / Brackets dentales

Higiene dental

Odontología conservadora


Sedación con óxido nitroso

Anestesia general


Tratamiento de conducto

Tratamiento de encías

Odontología reconstructiva digital

Prótesis dental

Muelas del juicio

Microscopio operatorio

Terapia con láser

Ortodoncia / Brackets dentales

Ortodoncia / Brackets dentales

El objetivo de un tratamiento de ortodoncia es eliminar la maloclusión dental y/o mandibular y restaurar la función y estética de la dentadura. Ofrecemos los tratamientos más avanzados para niños y adultos.

Odontología para niños

Los dientes de leche sanos sientan las bases para unos dientes permanentes fuertes. El bienestar de nuestros pacientes más jóvenes es especialmente importante, ya que la primera visita al dentista de un niño debe ser una experiencia positiva.

Información importante

Información sobre revisiones dentales para niños

En Züri Zahni existe la posibilidad de realizar el examen escolar anual y pagarlo con el bono escolar/comunitario.



Estamos muy contentos de poder recibirlos en nuestra nueva y moderna clínica dental en Glattpark.

Esto es lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre nosotros

Meltem Ferro
Meltem Ferro
I had been looking for a good paediatric dentist for a long time because I wanted to avoid trauma from the dentist. Yesterday I was with my 3-year-old daughter at Mrs. Pejicic's and we were totally happy! They have an extra waiting room for children, the children can also choose a movie to watch in the room, the doctor explains all the steps and at the end you get a gift.
Ajna saliasi
Ajna saliasi
I informed Dr. medical dent. Joos in advance about my daughter's (11) dental phobia and she was so lovingly welcomed. She paid so much time to my daughter and encouraged her so much. The tooth decay could be treated and my daughter felt very comfortable and overcame her fear.
Calagan Özlem55
Calagan Özlem55
The clinic is bright, welcoming, clean, furnished with the latest technology and very child- friendly! My 4-year-old son had to let go of his tooth. The preparation was very carefully planned and the extraction of the tooth was quick. In addition, the next day they sent SMS asking whether everything was okay.
Marco Cernuto
Marco Cernuto
I recommend this dental practice to everyone. The whole team is very friendly and likeable. Also very suitable for children as there is a play waiting room and children are allowed to watch cartoons on the ceiling while being treated. Thank you again and certainly see you next time.
Jessica Menzel
Jessica Menzel
My children have been checked by Mrs. Zimmermann before and are always happy to see her. The clinic looks great, is modern and easily accessible. The team is friendly, attentive and courteous. I cannot recommend this clinic enough. I will definitely come back and recommend it to my friends.
Eveline Lattmann
Eveline Lattmann
Ingenious dental clinic! Would highly recommend! They take their time and do their job superbly. We also had the best experiences with the children! Finally found a dentist we can trust and stay with.
Björn Hering
Björn Hering
Great team, lovable, competent staff, also specialized in working with children. My daughter still talks about the impressive visit and shows her tooth gem all the time. 🙂 Clinic of great design, with the latest equipment. I went shopping at Migros on the ground floor! Easy with public transport!
Nadine T
Nadine T
Very nice, modern practice with a very likeable team. My son with Dr. Cano after only 1 minute forgot that he was actually afraid of the dentist. Dr. Cano took a lot of time and explained everything very nicely. We will come back and highly recommend this practice!
Linda Hering
Linda Hering
Our four-year-old son had to have his tooth fixed and, with the best will in the world, we didn't expect him to be willing to lie down in the chair the next day. Andrea Zimmermann did a great job! Humorous, competent and precise. The whole family trusts her now and is extremely satisfied.
Monika Maksimovic
Monika Maksimovic
We always feel very warmly welcomed by Ms. Zimmermann and her team. My son likes the dentist very much and took yesterday's visit as a positive experience despite the "Löchli flicke". Thank you very much & stay the way you are.
Ilire Dakaj
Ilire Dakaj
Best dentist I've ever seen. Everything's perfect. My son was treated so lovingly that he was not afraid of the dentist. I have never seen the way anything like Mrs. Zimmermann treating the little patients at the dentist. You have my loyalty! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Conocido por:


Züri Zahni

Horarios de apertura

07:00 - 19:00
08:00 - 17:00
07:00 - 20:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00

Condiciones de cancelación

Las citas reservadas son generalmente vinculantes y el tiempo acordado se reserva para el paciente. Por lo tanto, se solicita al paciente que, en caso de no poder asistir, nos informe con anticipación, pero al menos con 24 horas de antelación. Züri Zahni cobrará al paciente una contribución de costos en caso de una cancelación tardía o de no asistir a la cita.

Cómo llegar en transporte público

Líneas de tranvía 10, 11 y 12 hasta la parada ‘Glattpark’ o línea de autobús 781 hasta la parada ‘Wright-Strasse’, Glattpark.

Cómo llegar en coche

Garaje subterráneo con más de 200 plazas de aparcamiento. Ingrese la dirección ‘Wright-Strasse, 8152 Glattpark’ en el dispositivo de navegación. La entrada al garaje subterráneo se encuentra al lado de la oficina de correos/farmacia.

Desde el garaje subterráneo hasta la clínica

Entrada a la clínica

Después de la tienda M-Way, a la vuelta de la esquina, al lado de Blériot-Allee.

Valor del punto tarifario en Züri Zahni

En Züri Zahni utilizamos dos valores de punto tarifario:

1.15 para tratamientos de ortodoncia
1.25 para todos los demás tratamientos

Para más información sobre la tarifa dental actual, haga clic aquí.


Nature is several steps ahead of us. That’s why we take great care to maintain your natural teeth for as long as possible. We consider an implant or prosthetic solution only when all other conservative therapheutic options have been exhausted and/or cost-effectiveness requires it.


Nitrous oxide, also known as «laughing gas», is a safe medicinal sedative. It’s soothing, relaxing and helps minimize anxiety during treatment. Additionally, it reduces the gagging reflex. When administered nitrous oxide, patients lose their sense of time so they perceive the treatment as shorter and the procedure in general as more pleasant. It’s ideal for uncooperative toddlers or anxious patients.


Some patients cannot be treated while awake, be it because of age, anxiety or a medical condition. For these patients, we provide outpatient general anesthesia with the support of an experienced external anesthesiology-team, consisting of an anesthesiologist and a nurse. 

We perform general anesthesia only on children and adolescents.


When bacteria enters the pulp tissue of a tooth it can cause infection. We can save the tooth with the help of modern root canal shaping technique, efficient mouthrinse solutions and the obturation of the root canal under the microscope.


Chewing and eating hard foods can become very difficult once one has lost several teeth. With custom-made partial or full dentures, we can help you enjoy eating once more.


There are times when it is necessary to remove a tooth – if it can’t be saved otherwise or, in the case of wisdom teeth, if they get infected or can’t be cleaned. Our routine services also include the removal of the labial or tongue frenulum.


The surgical microscope allows us to do high precision work even on the smallest scale. It increases the quality of our work and is especially valuable when it comes to periodontal therapy, cariology and minimally invasive oral surgery.


Present day dentistry counts on the laser as its allrounder: In oral surgery, the laser ensures a precise treatment and pain-free recovery with few complications. The regeneration of tissue is sped up and helped by laser-biostimulation.


Bitte füllen Sie vor Ihrer ersten Konsultation den Gesundheitsfragebogen und Einverständniserklärung Anamnesebogen für Kieferorthopädie aus und nehmen beides zum vereinbarten Termin mit. Vielen Dank.

Handelt es sich um einen Notfall, rufen Sie uns bitte direkt an: Tel. 044 317 10 10

Our Policy


The relationship between patient and dentist is based on trust and honesty. At Züri Zahni, we make sure to inform patients completely and transparently about treatment possibilities, procedure and cost. Only by this can you make the right decision for your dental health.

Active listening and individual treatment plan

We believe firmly in the importance of listening actively and taking the time to fully understand the concerns of our patients. This, along with the quality of our work, is the key to succesful treatment. We encourage you warmly to voice your concerns and questions about your dental hygiene, so that we can work towards the same goal.

Prevention is better than cure

Unfortunately, our permanent teeth don’t regrow. They’re precious and we have to take great care of them. That’s why we place great importance on prevention. Daily dental care, regular professional teeth cleaning and check-ups not only prevent tooth disease but also ensure the succes of dental treatments. Should treatment be necessary, we apply only minimally invasive techniques in order to protect and preserve tooth substance.


The foundation of our work lays in a profound education and high quality standards. Curiosity, interest and an open mind help us to keep learning and improving ourselves every day. That’s why our team does professional training regularly, which also enables us to provide you with the newest technology and techniques.

Interdisciplinary network

We believe that in this society of highly specialized professionals, no single practitioner can master every cutting edge technology. So we concentrate on our strenghts exclusively. In fields that are out of our range as general dentists, we receive competent support from our close network of specialist dentists.



Die Beziehung, die wir mit unseren Patienten aufbauen, basiert auf Vertrauen und Ehrlichkeit. Bei Züri Zahni legen wir Wert auf eine vollständige und transparente Information von Therapiemöglichkeiten, Behandlungsabläufen und anfallenden Kosten. Nur so sind Sie in der Lage, die richtige Entscheidung für Ihre Mundgesundheit zu treffen.

Aktives Zuhören und individueller Behandlungsplan

Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass Zuhören und sich Zeit nehmen, um die Anliegen der Patienten zu verstehen, neben einer qualitativ hochwertigen Arbeit, der Schlüssel zum Erfolg einer Behandlung ist. Wir ermutigen Sie dazu, uns Ihre Bedürfnisse und Fragen rund um Ihre Mundgesundheit mitzuteilen, so dass wir das Ziel gemeinsam verfolgen können.

Vorbeugen ist besser als Heilen

Leider wachsen unsere bleibenden Zähne nicht nach. Sie sind ein kostbares Gut, zu dem wir Sorge tragen sollten. In diesem Sinne spielt bei uns die Prävention eine entscheidende Rolle. Tägliche Zahnpflege, regelmässige professionelle Zahnreinigungen und Kontrollen beugen

nicht nur Zahnkrankheiten vor, sie sichern auch den Langzeiterfolg der durchgeführten Zahnbehandlungen. Ist eine Behandlung nötig, wenden wir minimalinvasive Techniken an, um die Zahnhartsubstanz möglichst zu schonen und zu erhalten.


Der Grundstein unserer Tätigkeit sind eine fundierte Ausbildung und hohe Qualitätsstandards. Mit unserer Neugier, unserem Interesse und unserer Offenheit sind wir immer bereit, Neues zu lernen und uns weiterzuentwickeln. Aus diesem Grund besucht unser Team regelmässig Fortbildungen, die uns auch erlauben, Sie mit den neusten Techniken und Technologien zu versorgen.

Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk

Wir sind der Meinung, dass in unserer Gesellschaft der Hochspezialisierung ein einzelner Behandler nicht sämtliche Spitzentechniken beherrschen kann. Deshalb konzentrieren wir uns ausschliesslich auf unsere Stärken. In den Bereichen, die wir als Allgemeinpraktiker nicht abdecken, finden wir kompetente Unterstützung von unserem dichten Netzwerk an Fachzahnärzten.